The excavations of the Arsenal Passage

June 14 - September 23, 2024

An exhibition outside the walls of the Archaeological Service of Valenciennes

Between 2020 and 2023, the Archaeological Service of Valenciennes has excavated twice the Passage de l'Arsenal, in the heart of Valenciennes and only a few steps from the hotel of the Royal Hainaut Spa & Resort Hotel 4*.

This important preventive archaeological operation has revealed remains, some dating back to the 12th century.

Of these archaeological remains, one can particularly highlight a set of buildings corresponding to the Hôtel de Beaumont, an aristocratic residence belonging to the powerful dukes of Burgundy.

Organized around a large distributive courtyard, this 15th century structure retained elements to understand the different places: rooms with brick floors and equipped with imposing fireplaces, cellars in entresol with stairways, Sewage systems to latrines...

The high social status of the occupants was, meanwhile, perceptible through the objects discovered: metal dishes with armouring, bone remains of hunted species, fragment of spur or richly decorated leather shoes, jewelry. Ceramics, tools and utensils tell us, more modestly, about daily life in this vast mansion.

Objects from the ground, photos of excavations, documentary videos and written sources await you at the Royal Hainaut, to discover this prestigious building in a heritage setting.

14 June-23 September 2024
Monday-Sunday from 10am to midnight,
Friday & Saturday until 1am
Free access

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